This will be the last episode for the season and the year! I was joined by Shilo George, an activist and educator, and we talked about the importance of Fat Acceptance and Body Acceptance when it comes to individual health, and also to community health. The Fat Acceptance movement itself focuses on reducing and eliminating fat bias and fat stigma, thus improving overall health. If we are going to create better health as a society, spending time on reducing stigma is paramount.
A little bit about Shilo:
Shilo George is Southern Cheyenne-Arapaho and Scottish international speaker, trainer, and owner of Łush Kumtux Tumtum Consulting, which means “a great awakening of the heart and spirit” in the Chinuk Wawa trade language. She has lived her life in a body that transgresses and violates Western standards of beauty, size, sexuality, and health. Shilo interweaves cultural traditions and spirituality with an anti-oppressive and decolonizing lenses to promote healing and empowerment in herself and others in the communities she is a part of. Her workshops and presentations explore the intersections of race, sexuality, body size, and trauma (both individual and inter-generational). Shilo trains others on systems of oppression, trauma informed care, and proactive ways that businesses and organizations can create policies and environments that that promote diversity, equity, and healing.
Shilo received her Bachelor of Science in Art Practices in 2012 and a Masters of Science in Educational Leadership and Policy with a specialization in Postsecondary Adult and Continuing Education in 2017, both from Portland State University. She was named Higher Education Student of the Year by the Oregon Indian Education Association in 2013 and in 2015 was honored with the Queer Indigenous Scholar Activist & Alumni Award by the Indigenous Nations Studies Department at Portland State University. In addition to her consulting business, Shilo works as a Parent Advocate at the Native American Youth and Family Center and is an Affiliated Adjunct Instructor of the Indigenous Nations Studies at Portland State University. She can be contacted at
I will update this information when her website goes live.
“Are we really setting fat people up to succeed or are we setting fat people up to fail?”
I hope that you have enjoyed season one of the Do No Harm Podcast. I will be returning on January 26, 2018 with the first episode of Season 2! Happy New Year!